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Our Sevice
Depending on our evaluation, the following skilled services may be provided:
• Assess your physical condition and monitor your health
• Coordinate care with your primary physician and other disciplines
• Educate you and your caregiver about your disease, self-care, medications and more
• Communicate with your physician to keep him or her updated on your progress
• Assess and manage your medications
• Supervise other caregivers
• Performs any necessary blood draws and injections
• Treat your wound
• Provide Intravenous therapy if necessary
• Teach you the proper way to care for your trache tube
• Administer continuous or bolus gastrostomy feeding
• Provide Diabetic Care / Glucose Monitoring
Certified Nursing Aides:
• Help with personal care like bathing, getting dressed, toileting
• Help carry out a prescribed exercise program
• Help preparing special diet meals
• Help with moving around and getting in and out of bed or getting in the shower
Occupational Therapists: These professionals give people the "skills for the job of living" that are needed to remain independent. They will help you to regain the ability to do usual daily activities, assist you in performing activities of all types, ranging from using a computer to caring for daily needs such as dressing, cooking, and eating.
Physical Therapists: These professionals help you with your rehabilitative needs. If you lose motor function due to accident, illness or age, the Physical Therapist will help you with your strength training, exercises and balance training to improve your ability to stand and walk and regain your range of movement.
Speech/Language Pathologists: These professionals will help you with your speech disorder, language, hearing and swallowing problem.
Medical Social Worker: These professionals will help you with the psychosocial support needed to cope with chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses. Their services include advising your care givers, providing you with education and counseling, and making referrals for other services.

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